Services including belows




特派 專業團隊

協助伙伴商店, 品牌推廣活動, 商業演藝, 活動籌辨,代客或媒體公關, 娛樂公司,市塲,活動招待貴賓

Annual Ball, Birthday Parties, Road Shows, Famous Labels Promotions,Special Event  Provided to VIP Guests.



專業書法家代寫中英文生日咭, 請柬,社團到會生日, 喜慶, 即席揮毫, 為客人設計有趣中英文名, Q牌卡通人物畫送贈嘉賓.上門教授或即塲指導、即塲速成班由專業導師指導中英文書法,以國畫小品作上台特別表演.

Calligraphy for Chinese and English (Invitation card, birthday card, and VIP Table guest Name cards)

Entertain your guest with name design, and Sketches Education Short course training for Artist at LIVE STAGE.


Education 上門教授 或 即場指導

即場速成班, 專業導師 指導, 中英文書法 , 國画小品作上台表特別效應.

Short course for staff training in Chinese Calligraphy & Painting

( For  Artist  at  LIVE  STAGE.)


Sales items (出售書畫卷,惠贈紀念品) 聖誕,新春,喜慶,賀壽

Chinese Calligraphy & Paintings for gifts, Contributions for all occasions and special Events:By orders


社團到會生日, 喜慶, 即席揮毫, 新春送禮佳品 !

揮春, 對聯  訂購…… Entertain your VIP guests !